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Program for Oscillating Prices of Chakri Coding Problem

Oscillating Prices of Chakri

Diwali is here. While everyone here is busy texting "Happy Diwali" wishes to everybody else, Coder has some other plans and wants to earn some money this season.

Now, the Apex court has allowed the sale of only green crackers this Diwali. Out of all green crackers, "Chakri" is most popular. Because of the irregular supply of "Chakri", the price of "Chakri" is oscillating daily. Coder saw a business opportunity in this. He/She got a price list for coming N days from an insider in the market union. Prices in the list are for 1 unit of a large packet of "Chakri". Each large packet contains 100 units of Chakri.

Now, due to financial limitations, Coder can transact only 1 large packet (100 units of "Chakri") in the market. You have to tell maximum profit possible, given that he/she can transact atmost one time.

Note: 1. Transaction refers to the act of buying and selling.

      2. "Chakri" cannot be sold individually. Coder has to buy/sell the entire packet. 

Input Format

First-line contains N - (Integer)

Second-line contains N spaced integers.


1 <= N <= 10000

50 <= A(i) <= 100

Output Format

Print the maximum profit that can be generated by Coder.

Sample Input 0:


62 63 70 66 64 68 61

Sample Output 0:


Program for Oscillating Prices of Chakri Coding Problem in C++

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


    int n;

    cin >> n;

    int* arr = new int [n];


    for(int i=0;i<n;i++){



    int max = arr[0];

    int indexofmax = 0;

    for(int i=0;i<n;i++){


            max = arr[i];

            indexofmax = i;



    int min = arr[0];

    for(int i=0;i<indexofmax;i++){


            min = arr[i];



    cout <<max - min;

    return 0;



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