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The Divisibility Dilemma Code Techgig Geek Goddess Solution

The Divisibility Dilemma Code Techgig Geek Goddess Solution 100% Working Code uploaded on Youtube: 100% Working Code uploaded on Telegram: The Divisibility Dilemma (100 Marks) In the picturesque village of Numeropolis, the annual "Divisibility Day" is celebrated with great enthusiasm. This day is marked by various mathematical challenges and games that put the villagers' arithmetic skills to the test. This year, the villagers are embarking on a quest to explore the distinctive properties of subarrays within integer arrays. The village's renowned mathematician, Professor Arithmo, has crafted an intriguing challenge. He has provided the villagers with an integer array nums`and two additional integers, K and P. Professor Arithmo's challenge revolves around discovering and counting distinct subarrays from the array nums. The uniqueness of these subarrays is determined by their divisibility characteristics.

Alex and his Array code TechGig Geek Goddess 2023

 Alex and his Array code TechGig Geek Goddess 2023: 100% Working Code uploaded on Youtube: 100% Working Code uploaded on Telegram: Alex and his array (100 Marks) Meet Alex, a bright student who is dealing with an array challenge today. He has been given an array a1, a2, ..., aN of length N. The intriguing aspect of this challenge is that Alex can perform various operations on the array elements. In a single operation, Alex is allowed to choose two indices l and r, where 1 ≤ l ≤ r ≤ n. He can then multiply all the elements in the subarray [al, al+1, ..., ar] by -1, effectively reversing their signs. Being pressed for time as he is running late for school, Alex is seeking your assistance in determining the maximum possible sum of numbers in the array. Additionally, he is eager to find out the minimum number of operations required to achieve this maximum sum. Input Format The first line contains an integer N, the length of the

Google Girl Hackathon 3 June 2023 Solutions

Google Girl Hackathon 3 June 2023 Solutions Google Girl Hackathon 2023   Maximize equal numbers Code in Python Task Determine the maximum length of the subsequence of array a, such that all numbers in that subsequence are equal after applying the given operation. Code in Python def MaximizeEqualNumber(n, k, a):     #Telegram - @PLACEMENTLELO     max_length = 0     for i in range(n):     #Telegram - @PLACEMENTLELO         count = 1          for x in range(-k, k+1):     #Telegram - @PLACEMENTLELO             if a[i] + x in a[i+1:]:                 count += 1     #Telegram - @PLACEMENTLELO         max_length = max(max_length, count)     return max_length n = 4 k = 1 a = [2, 5, 1, 2] # Output: 3 n = 4 k = 0 a = [2, 2, 5, 6] # Output: 2 n = 3 k = 2 a = [1,5,6] # Output: 2 That is Perfection Code in Python  def is perfect number (n):      divisors_sum = sum(i for i in range(1, n) if n % i == 0)      return divisors_sum == n Balanced Brackets You are given a string S of length N. It consists


GEEKS FOR GEEKS WEEKLY CODING CONTEST 103 SOLUTIONS Refueling Code Answer C++ Refueling First GFG Weekly Coding Contest 103 class Solution{     public:     long long refueling(int X)     {         long long a, b;         for(int i=0; i<X; i++){             a = pow(2,i);             if(a == X)return a;             else if(a>X){                 b = pow(2,i-1);                 if(abs(X-a) == abs(X-b))return a;                 if(abs(X-a) < abs(X-b))return a;                 else return b;             }         }         return -1;     } }; Input: X = 3,  Output: 4 Input:  X = 2,  Output: 2 K-Periodic Circular String Code Solution  C++ K-Periodic Circular String Second GFG Weekly Coding Contest 103   class Solution{     public:     string kPeriodic(string s, int K){         // code here         map<char,int> hm;         for(int i=0;i<s.size();i++){           hm[s[i]]++;         }         int n= s.size();         int res= n/__gcd(n,K);              for(auto t:hm

Bus Conductor Coding Solution POTD Solution 21 May 2023

Bus Conductor  Coding Solution Geeks for Geeks Problem of the Day 21 May 2023 You are conductor of a bus ...  Return the minimum number of moves required GFG POTD Solution Today   Gfg problem of the day solution with explanation C++ class Solution {   public:     int findMoves(int n, vector<int> chairs, vector<int> passengers) {      sort(chairs.begin(), chairs.end());      sort(passengers.begin(), passengers.end());            int ans=0;      for(int i=0;i<n;i++){          ans=ans+abs(passengers[i]-chairs[i]);      }      return ans;     } }; Input:  chairs = [3,1,5]  passengers = [2,7,4]  Output: 4 Input:  chairs = [2,2,6,6]  passengers = [1,3,2,6]  Output: 4 GFG POTD Answer in C++   Gfg problem of the day in python  Gfg problem of the day in java

Hands of Straights Coding Solution POTD Solution 20 May 2023

Hands of Straights Coding Solution Geeks for Geeks Problem of the Day 20 May 2023 GFG POTD Solution Today  Gfg problem of the day solution with explanation C++ class Solution { public: bool isStraightHand(int n, int k, vector &v) { // k= group size if(n%k>0){ return false; } map mp; for(auto it:v){ mp[it]++; } // put all the size() with its frquency in the (min)p_queue priority_queue , vector >, greater > > pq; for(auto it:mp){ pq.push({it.first,it.second}); } int cnt=0; int last=-1; queue > q; while(pq.size()>0){ int; int; pq.pop(); // take top ele of the heap and check if the last element and // the top element are coincidnt if not return false // if yes then put the last ele to curr op eleme

TechGig Code Gladiators 2023 Coding Solutions

TechGig Open Coding Round Code Gladiators 2023 Answers Round 1  - Problem 1 Forest Fire Coding Solution Figure out the minimum energy level P such that they can get exactly X animals to transport.  Test Case: 5 4  1 3 2 4 5 Output: 2 Coding Solution in Python 3: from bisect import bisect_left #Telegram - @PLACEMENTLELO n, m = map ( int , input ().split()) a = list ( map ( int , input ().split())) a.sort() #Telegram - @PLACEMENTLELO if n - bisect_left(a, a[n-m]) != m: print ( -1 ) else : print (a[n - m]) #Telegram - @PLACEMENTLELO ------------------------------------------- Round 2  - Problem 2 The Magic Coding Solution The cost of using wand for operation on element equal to absolute difference between value of element and desired value after operation. Test Case: 5 3 1 2 3 4 5 5 2 1 Output: 10 7 10 Coding Solution in Python 3: from bisect import bisect_left #Telegram - @PLACEMENTLELO n, m = map ( int , input ().split()) A = list ( map ( int , input ().split())) Q = list

20+ Most Asked Star Pattern Coding Questions and Solutions in C++ / Python / Java / C Language

20+ Most Asked  Star Pattern Coding Questions and Solutions in C++ / Python / Java / C Language   Star patterns are one of the most commonly asked questions in programming interviews and coding contests. They are a great way to practice logic and pattern recognition skills. In this article, we will discuss different types of star patterns, their logic, and how to code them. To form patterns, we need to use nested loops. The outer loop will be responsible for the number of rows, and the inner loop will print the pattern like star, number or alphabet. 1. Right Angle Triangle Star Pattern  *  * *  * * *  * * * *  #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() {     int n=4;         for(int i=0;i<n;i++){         for(int j=0;j<=i;j++){             cout<<"* ";         }         cout<<endl;     }     return 0; } 2. Inverted Right Angle Triangle Star Pattern  ***** **** *** ** * #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() {     int n=5;